Publications using catch22
A list of all scientific publications that have used catch22.
Last updated
A list of all scientific publications that have used catch22.
Last updated
On this page, we keep track of scientific research publications that use catch22. Articles are labeled as follows:
📗 = Journal publication.
📙 = Preprint.
If you have used catch22 in your published work, please contact us by email and we'll add it this growing list!
catch22 features have formed the basis of new algorithms:
"COCALITE: A Hybrid Model COmbining CAtch22 and LITE for Time Series Classification". Badi et al. (2024).
catch22 features have been used in applications to:
As a baseline for classifying marmoset monkey calls from audio. 📙 Sarkar et al. arXiv (2024).
To identify methamphetamine users from EEG recordings. 📗 Meynaghizadeh-Zargar et al., Biogeosciences (2024).
Sound Analysis of Drop Characteristics by Evaluation of Impact on Water Pool. Arogeti et al. (2024) ��IEEE 2024 Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications (SPA).
Classify Multiple Sclerosis from full-field visual evoked potentials. Banijamali et al., 📗 Doc Ophthalmol (2024).
Predict solar flares from solar active region magnetic field data. 📙 arXiv (2024).
Predict pathological complete response in breast cancer from dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance images. 📗 Zhang et al. Breast Cancer Research (2024).
Distinguish texts generated by AI (LLMs) from text authored by humans. 📙Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2024).
Combine the Matrix Profile with catch22 features, as C22MP, yielding a state-of-the-art anomaly detector.
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Distinguish pain responses to hot and cold stimuli from electrodermal Activity and electromyography.
Estimate pain intensity from physiological sensors..
Predict behavioural change from physiological signals. .
Classify calf behavior from accelerometer signals. 📙 .
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Classify vehicle trajectories from unmanned aerial vehicle-derived trajectories. 📗
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Evaluate time-series imputation methods. 📗
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Using catch22 features in .