Distribution shape
The DN_HistogramMode features measure properties of the shape of the distribution of time-series values.
catch22 contains two features involving the DN_HistogramMode
function in hctsa:
(the hctsa featureDN_HistogramMode_5
(the hctsa featureDN_HistogramMode_10
Note: The C implementation of these features (in catch22) does not map perfectly onto the hctsa implementation, due to slight differences in how the histogram bins are constructed. But the trends are similar.
What it does
These functions involve computing the mode of the z-scored time series through the following steps:
z-score the input time series.
Compute a histogram using a given number of (linearly spaced) bins (5 bins for
) and 10 bins formode_10
).Return the location of the bin with the most counts.
What these features measure
Being distributional properties, these features are completely insensitive to the time-ordering of values in the time series. Instead, they capture how the most probable time-series values are positioned relative to the mean.
Time series with a symmetric distribution, with a central peak, will have a mode near the center, and a value close to zero. Here is an example, of Gaussian-distributed noise (
) which obtains a score of -0.36.
Time series with a symmetric distribution but with density far from the origin, like this Chirikov map (
) obtain high (positive or negative) values:
Time series with positively skewed distributions, like this example of beta-distributed noise (
), obtain negative values as shown below:
(and similarly negatively skewed distributions obtain positive values)
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